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2022 Accomplishments

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We had our first event after covid which was our annual Fish Fry held on Mar 12, 2022, at Markham Park.  This was a successful turn out and all enjoyed the camaraderie and cuisine. Next, we had our annual meeting on May 21, 2022 for the election of our new board members (Please see list of our members below). The new board held their first social event on Sept 17, 2002 - Wine and Cheese Mixer where we asked our members to invite all Immaculate alumnae, this was a fabulous event and we had about 26 new members. We then participated in the breast cancer walk in October (pictures below). In November, a few board members went to visit the school to meet the new Principal, Mrs. Reynolds and presented donations. The year concluded with the annual all alumnae walkathon on December 3 and our annual Christmas Social on Dec 10, 2022.

Section Title

President - Judith Mercurius Poten

1st VP   -   Heather McIntosh

2nd VP  -  Monique McKay-Fears

Recording Secretary - Sandra Spence

Corresponding Secretary - Lara Dyke

Treasurer  -  Nancy Cera

Asst. Treasurer - OPEN

Floor Members  -  Janice Chen, Denise Hart-Martin, Elouise Demestichas, Jackie Fraser, Opal Gibson, Jennifer Hoyes, Veronica Lyn Kee Chow, Lisa Lyons, Danielle Manbored and Frances McFarlane


© 2013 by Candice Hoyes. 

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